Wood Fences
Homeowners want to create a private space where they can enjoy the peace and quiet and not have to think about the outside world. Wood fences can be constructed in many different styles, including custom designs. Heights can vary for special applications.
The design can incorporate various shapes, cutouts, materials, and hardware to create a truly personal and unique backdrop for your private space.
Wood fences are standard constructed with Cedar wood. Pine wood is also a very popular option.
Prestige Fence, also installs split rail fences. The reason you see so many split rail fences is that they rarely break down and they are extremely practical. Time tested to prevent insect infestation; a cedar split rail fence has no enemies it cannot repel.
Natural Appeal
Another great feature of the split rail fence is its natural appeal. Once installed, there is little need for upkeep and maintenance. You don’t even have to paint it or stain it! Its natural organic brilliance is enough to please anyone with at least a rudimentary knowledge of American tradition.
Prestige Fence, takes extra steps in construction wood fences. Each piece of wood is carefully inspected by the installer. We even use galvanized nails to prevent rusting or “weeping.”